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Aiming at the needs of enterprise automation and intelligent transformation


Aiming at the needs of enterprise automation and intelligent transformation, Jiangsu National Chemical Technology Co., LTD., under the leadership of the company team (the creative team includes: Hongxing Zong , Jianxin Tan, Xudong Lang, Chengkai Hu, etc.) strengthened the on-site transformation of advanced automatic monitoring equipment, flexible automatic assembly line and intelligent distribution system, and stepped forward to build a "unicorn" enterprise in the field of intelligent manufacturing.

The picture below is a photo of on-site transformation:





莱芜市| 航空| 青河县| 同心县| 白朗县| 贵阳市| 成武县| 固阳县| 乐陵市| 台中市| 抚松县| 肥乡县| 哈巴河县| 延寿县| 新绛县| 舟山市| 烟台市| 油尖旺区| 吐鲁番市| 稻城县| 十堰市| 定边县| 宁国市| 正阳县| 雅安市| 万盛区| 南开区| 锦州市| 佛教| 安义县| 龙井市| 南安市| 邻水| 桦川县| 井研县| 乌拉特中旗| 溧水县| 高清| 拜城县| 文山县| 高阳县|